Getting information about the representation form of a class object when the workflow is in a certain state: getListViewModel

The request is made using the path <server URL>/rest/<service name>/getListView Model/<class name>/<workflow name>/<state name>, where the class name and workflow name are specified with namespace.

You can specify in the request: doc: additional parameters <meta_query_parameters>:

  • workflow
  • state
  • namespace
  • version

Query example:


an object will be requested to represent objects of the workflowBase class with the canStart state of the simpleWorkflow workflow in the ``develop-and-test``namespace, example of a response:

  { tabs: [ { caption: '', fullFields: [Array], shortFields: [] } ],
actions: null,
siblingFixBy: null,
siblingNavigateBy: null,
historyDisplayMode: 0,
collectionFilters: null,
version: null,
overrideMode: 1,
 [ { id: 'SAVE',
     caption: 'Save',
     visibilityCondition: null,
     enableCondition: null,
     needSelectedItem: false,
     signBefore: false,
     signAfter: false,
     isBulk: false },
   { id: 'SAVEANDCLOSE',
     caption: 'Save and close',
     visibilityCondition: null,
     enableCondition: null,
     needSelectedItem: false,
     signBefore: false,
     signAfter: false,
     isBulk: false } ],
metaVersion: '2.0.61',
type: 'item',
className: 'workflowBase@develop-and-test',
path: 'workflows:simpleWorkflow@develop-and-test.canStart',
caption: '' }

The example in dnt: test/modules/rest/metadatasrv.spec.js

/checking metadata service/# access meta class view model in a certain workflow state: getWorkflowView