Scheduled jobs subsystem

The launch of the scheduled jobs is performed in two ways:

  1. in a separate process using the bin/schedule.js script
  2. within the ION web application process (bin/www) by specifying the option jobs.enabled=true in the ini-file

In the second case, job management is possible to implement in a web application. Jobs are configured in the deploy.json file of the applications in the global settings section as a jobs parameter.


"jobs": {
  "dummy": {
    "launch": { // Периодичность запуска задания
      "month": [2,5], // в феврале и мае
      "week": 3, // каждую третью неделю (month и week  - взаимоисключающие настройки),
      "weekday": [1, 3, 5], // по понедельникам, средам и пятницам
      "dayOfYear": 5, // раз в 5 дней в течение года,
      "day": 10, // раз в 10 дней в течение месяца
      "hour": 3, // раз в 3 часа
      "minute": [10, 15, 35], // на 10-ой, 15-ой и 35-ой минуте
      "sec": 10 // раз в 10 секунд
    "di": { // скоуп задания
      "dummy": {
        "module": "applications/develop-and-test/jobs/dummy",
        "options": {
    "worker": "dummy", // имя компонента из скоупа задания, который будет исполняться

A component can be specified as a starting job, in this case it should have the run method. A function can also be specified as a starting job. Then in di it is described similarly to the component, but using the executablesetting:

"di": {
 "dummy": {
   "executable": "applications/develop-and-test/jobs/dummy",
   "options": {}


The jobs field in the global settings.

"jobs": {
      "dummy": {
        "launch": {
          "sec": 30
        "worker": "dummy",
        "di": {
          "dummy": {
            "executable": "applications/develop-and-test/jobs/dummy"