Module settings in deploy.json

  • Module “registry”
  • Module “geomap”
  • Module “gantt-chart”
  • Module “report”
  • Module “rest”
  • Module “portal”
  • Module “ionadmin”
  • Module “dashboard”
  • Module “diagram”

The “registry” module

Registry module is a key module designed directly for operating with data based on metadata structures, including managing projects, programs, events, etc. More details on registry module.

Setting up configurable file saving

In order to set the path for saving the file to the storage, specify:

"modules": {
    "registry": {
      "globals": {
        "storage": {

In the object, the key is the name of the class, then “attribute name”: “relative path”.

Aliases are written to ${alias}. Available aliases:

  • class - class name
  • attr - attribute name
  • also date denominations from `` moment.js`` are available

Setting to specify the number of characters for search query

For the entire application - ``”listSearchMinLength” ``.

"modules": {
  "registry": {
     "globals": {
       "listSearchMinLength": 1

For the one specific class - "minLength".

"modules": {
  "registry": {
     "globals": {
       "listSearchOptions": {
          "className@ns": {
            "*": {
              "searchBy": [
              "splitBy": "\\s+",
              "mode": [
              "joinBy": "and",
              "minLength": 3

Setting the container assignment when creating the nested object

For cases when it is necessary to assign a value for an attribute by reference, when creating an object, specify the setting for the class that contains the assigned value in the deploy.json file of the application:

"registry": {
   "globals": {
      "forceMaster": {
         "name_class@ns": true

An example of the sequence generators: now for each object its code is the code of its direct container plus the next value of the sequence counter associated with the container object.

Setting the eager loading for printed forms "skipEnvOptions"

More details on printed forms.

Use the skipEnvOptions flag to enable/disable the eager loading.


"modules": {
    "registry": {
      "globals": {
        "di": {
           "export": {
             "options": {
              "configs": {
                "class@ns": {
                  "expertItemToDocx": {
                    "type": "item",
                    "caption": "Наименование",
                    "mimeType": "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document",
                    "extension": "docx",
                    "skipEnvOptions": true,
                    "preprocessor": "ion://expertItemToDocx"

Due to the eager loading the system creates a file very quickly, but it may not always be acceptable.

Configuring notifications about another user editing an object

When setting the notification about another user editing an object, specify the time before blocking in milliseconds:

"modules": {
    "registry": {
      "globals": {
        "concurencyCheck": 10000

ConcurencyChecker component:

The ConcurencyChecker component stores the lock status for objects in the data source. It stores the following parameters:

  • full id of an object (class@id),
  • date/time of block (blockDate),
  • user who blocked.

The component creates the block states, starting a timer that will delete the block record when the timeout expires. If at the moment the timer is triggered, the record is still up to date (blockDate was updated), then the record is not deleted, and the timer is updated.

Logic of the view controller::

Read the registry.concurencyCheck setting (blocking timeout in seconds).

If it is bigger than 0, read the ConcurencyCheker - check the block status.

If not found (expired - blockDate < now() - registry.concurencyCheck), then through the checker write a new block on behalf of the current user. If you found a running block, transfer the information about the block to the template. Display this information on the form in the “read only” mode (globalReadOnly).

An additional controller concurencyState, which takes the id of the object and checks its block status. If the object is not blocked (there is no block, or it is expired), then it blocks the object on behalf of the current user. If the object is locked by the current user, then it updates blockDate to new Date() and returns the block state.

Object form behavior:

If the information about the block is transferred to the template, then a script is added that accesses the concurencyState controller periodically (with a period of registry.concurencyCheck/2).

If you receive the information about blocking by another user, it is displayed (update the message). If the blocking lock intercepted by the current user, the form reloads (it is displayed in the edit mode).

Connecting design resources in the project

This is related, for example, to groups in a particular style, in order not to connect resources through changes to module templates, you need to connect them in the application.

"statics": {
  "geoicons": "applications/khv-svyaz-info/icons"

All that is inside the icons directory is available by the registry/geoicons link.

Configuring the form for specifying export parameters (for printed forms)

Example of params:

        "di": {
          "pmListToDocx": {
            "module": "modules/registry/export/listToDocx",
            "initMethod": "init",
            "initLevel": 0,
            "options": {
              "tplDir": "applications/project-management/export/item2",
              "log": "ion://sysLog"
          "export": {
            "options": {
              "configs": {
                "evaluationPerform@project-management": {
                  "rating": {
                    "caption": "Оценка деятельности исполнителя и соисполнителей проекта",
                    "mimeType": "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document",
                    "extension": "docx",
                    "type": "list",
                    "query": {
                      "filter": {
                        "and": [
                            "eq": [
                            "gte": [
                            "lte": [
                    "params": {
                      "project": {
                        "caption": "Проект",
                        "type": "reference",
                        "className": "project@project-management"
                      "since": {
                        "caption": "Период с",
                        "type": "date",
                        "default": "$monthStart"
                      "till": {
                        "caption": "Период по",
                        "type": "date",
                        "default": "$monthEnd"
                    "eagerLoading": [
                    "preprocessor": "ion://pmListToDocx"

Configuring search parameters in the list of objects

The functionality allows you to determine at the class level whether we are looking for class objects from the list view by the first instance of a word or by full words, by individual attributes or by the specified attributes in the list with search parameters separated by spaces.

Format and available operations:

"listSearchOptions": {
    "person@khv-childzem": {...} // для класса
       "khv-childzem@person": {...} // только в узле навигации person
      "*": {...} // везде по умолчанию

Substitute ... with attributes and set operations for search, for example:

 "searchBy": [ // атрибуты по которым ищем, по умолчанию то, что выводится в колонках
"splitBy": "\\s+", // разбивать поисковую фразу регуляркой, части сопоставить с атрибутами
"mode": ["starts", "starts", "starts"], // режимы сопоставления - в данном случае "начинается с" (доступны like, contains, starts, ends)
"joinBy": "and" // режим объединения условий на атрибуты (по умолчанию or)

Configuring the hierarchical view for collections

Hierarchical view of collectionsdisplays collections, in which elements are connected in the form of a hierarchical reference book. The viewlib library has a custom controller that returns the next level of hierarchy in the TreeGrid format.


"treegridController": {
            "module": "applications/viewlib/lib/controllers/api/treegrid",
            "initMethod": "init",
            "initLevel": 0,
            "options": {
              "module": "ion://module",
              "logger": "ion://sysLog",
              "securedDataRepo": "ion://securedDataRepo",
              "metaRepo": "ion://metaRepo",
              "auth": "ion://auth",
              "config": {
                "*": {
                      "property": "name",
                      "operation": 1,
                      "value": [null],
                      "nestedConditions": []
                    "childs":["stakeholders", "basicObjs"]
                  "governmentPower@project-management": {
                    "override": {
                      "descript": "url"
                  "object@project-management": {
                  "event@project-management": {

The config field contains all settings:

  • first key is the navigation node (the “*” sign means “applies to all nodes”),
  • classes have roots, that indicate what objects of this class to pull out as root (“conditions” are used),
  • ``childs``are class attributes to pull the hierarchy.

Configuring the text search in depth by reference attributes

searchByRefs is an array of settings to indicate the class hierarchy. You can compare it with several classes.


"family@khv-childzem": {
            "*": {
                  "class": "person@khv-childzem",
                  "idProperties": ["famChilds", "famParentMale", "famParentFemale"],
                  "searchBy": [
                  "splitBy": "\\s+",
                  "mode": [
                  "joinBy": "and"

The “geomap” module

Geomap module is designed to visualize information and data that has geo-referenced. The data is divided into layers, and for each data type, you can provide brief and detailed information.

Setting the application icons

The logo for the module is described through the standard mechanism of static routes:

  "modules": {
    "geomap": {
      "statics":[{"path":"applications/khv-svyaz-info/icons", "name":"icons"}],
      "logo": "icons/logo.png"

Setting to hide header and sidebar


"geomap": {
   "globals": {
      "hidePageHead": true, //отобразить шапку
      "hidePageSidebar": false, //скрыть боковое меню

The gantt-chart module

Gantt-chart module is a module designed to display specific types of hierarchical data with dates. More details on gantt-chart module.

Setting the time scale

The time scale is configured by setting the “Step” in the Gaant module. In the preconfiguration “Step” is set through the stepparameter:

  "unit": "year",
  "step": 5


   "gantt-chart": {
      "globals": {
        "config": {
          "preConfigurations": {
            "config3": {
              "caption": "Третья конфигурация",
              "showPlan": true,
              "units": "year",
              "step": 5,
              "days_mode": "full",
              "hours_mode": "full",
              "columnDisplay": {
                "text": true,
                "owner": true,
                "priority": true
              "filters": {
                "priority": "Обычный"

The “report” module

Report module is a module designed to generate analytical reports and reference information based on special metadata. Расчеты могут выполняться по расписанию или быть инициированы оператором. Подробнее о модуле отчетов.

"report": {
      "globals": {
        "namespaces": {
          "project-management": "Проектное управление"
        "defaultNav": {
          "namespace": "project-management",
          "mine": "projects",
          "report": "roadmap"
        "mineBuilders": {
          "project-management": {
            "test": {
              "projects": "mineBuilder"
            "projects": {
              "indicatorAll": "mineBuilder"
        "di": {},
        "statics": {
          "common-static": "applications/project-management/templates/static"
        "logo": "common-static/logo.png"
      "import": {
        "src": "applications/project-management/bi",
        "namespace": "project-management"

The “rest” module

REST-services module is a module designed to implement integration in the REST format. Used to provide data for the portal module. More details on REST.

"rest": {
     "globals": {
       "di": {}

The “portal” module

Portal module is a module designed to display arbitrary data templates. Подробнее о модуле портала

"portal": {
      "import": {
        "src": "applications/project-management/portal",
        "namespace": "project-management"
      "globals": {
        "portalName": "pm",
        "needAuth": true,
        "default": "index",
        "theme": "project-management/portal",
        "templates": [
        "statics": {
          "pm": "applications/project-management/themes/portal/static"
        "pageTemplates": {
          "navigation": {
            "index": "pages/index"

The “ionadmin” module

Administration module (ionadmin) is used for assigning permissions, managing scheduled jobs, and other administrative tasks. More details on administration module.

Hiding fields in the admin from assigning to a user

For roles that you want to hide in the admin from being assigned to the user, in the deploy of the application prescribe the filters based on the regular expressions, by which such roles will be determined.

"ionadmin": {
      "globals": {
        "securityParams": {
          "hiddenRoles": [

Settings of hiding module in system menu

Set the nullvalue in the module (in the deploy.jsonfile) that you would like to hide in the system menu of the project, for example "ionadmin": null.

  "namespace": "project-management",
  "parametrised": true, //
  "globals": {
    "moduleTitles": {
      "registry": {
        "description": "Проектное управление",
        "order": 10,
        "skipModules": true
      "ionadmin": null

The “dashboard” module

**Dashboard module ** is a module designed to display brief information in the form of blocks. More details on dashboard module.

Set the following function in the "modules"section in the deploy.json file of the application, to load the data from the meta into the “dashboard” module:

"dashboard": {
   "globals": {
     "namespaces": {
       "project-management": "Проектное управление"
     "root": {
       "project-management": "applications/project-management/dashboard"

The “diagram” module

"diagram": {
      "globals": {
        "config": {
          "org1": {
            "caption": "Организационная структура",
            "edit": true,
            "showSections": false,
            "relations": {
              "className": "organization@project-management",
              "title": "name",
              "text": "address",
              "img": "",
              "filter": [
                  "property": "headOrg",
                  "operation": 0,
                  "value": [
                  "nestedConditions": []
              "children": [
                  "className": "branchOrg@project-management",
                  "property": "branch",
                  "title": "name",
                  "text": "address",
                  "children": [
                      "className": "branchOrg@project-management",
                      "property": "branch",
                      "children": []

Full file example deploy.json