Ways to configure parameters:

  • using ini-files
  • using environment variable

NB: Priority is given to settings that are set via environment variables, not via ini files. At the same time, the /config/setup.ini settings do not affect the settings of the deploy application - they are only used for the core and modules. Deploy.json is most often parameterized via an ini in the application directory, such as the deploy.ini file.

Example of configuring the parameters of OwnCloud with a user account

First of all, set the parametric settings of the storage in the deploy.json file:

   "ownCloud": {
            "module": "core/impl/resource/OwnCloudStorage",
            "options": {
              "url": "[[ownCloud.url]]",
              "login": "[[ownCloud.login]]",
              "password": "[[ownCloud.pwd]]"

Configure the parameters in deploy by use of the ini-files:

In the deploy.ini ini-file near the deploy.json file set the following parameters:


Configure the parameters in deploy by use of the environment variable:

In the environment variables for the NODE set the following parameters:


Setting up the limitation

Configure the limitation of switching between system menu items for an anonymous user. The system menu is formed taking into account the access control to the module pages, i.e. if there are no rights to the module page, then the menu item for switching to this module is not displayed in the system menu. In the application’s ini file, set auth. checkUrlAccess=true to set the limitation setting.

Changing all references to relative ones

To change all references to relative ones, set the following parameter in the ini-file:

app.baseUrl= '/нужный_путь/'

If the path is not specified, then it is considered as ‘/’ by default.

Setting the control unit to run jobs on a schedule in admin module

To display the control unit, add the following setting in the ini-file of the project:


It will enable the scheduler in the web server process, which will allow you to manage jobs from the admin module.

Scheduler manages job start timers.

Job is a specific task that starts on a timer.

Configuring data caching at the core level

Setting of cached data at the core level allows to correctly recover from the cache eager loaded reference attributes and collections, as well as files and calculated attributes. Lists are cached correctly. Caching is implemented in the geomodule. This setting once and for all solves the problem of circular references when serializing objects.

Write the following in the ini-file of the project:


Setting the time limit

connectTimeOut - the maximum connection time.

operTimeOut - the maximum time to complete an operation.


Setting the minimum password length


The setting for an individual application can be overridden in the file deploy.json