Meta class - attribute part

Attribute part of the meta class describes the properties field of the meta class. There are usually at least two attributes in a class — a key field and a data field. The attributes are contained in the ``”properties”``field of the main part of the meta class. Each attribute is an object of the following structure:


  "orderNumber": 20,
  "name": "integer_integer",
  "caption": "Редактор целых чисел [14]",
  "type": 6,
  "size": null,
  "decimals": 0,
  "allowedFileTypes": null,
  "maxFileCount": 0,
  "nullable": true,
  "readonly": false,
  "indexed": false,
  "unique": false,
  "autoassigned": false,
  "hint": null,
  "defaultValue": null,
  "refClass": "",
  "itemsClass": "",
  "backRef": "",
  "backColl": "",
  "binding": "",
  "semantic": null,
  "selConditions": [],
  "selSorting": [],
  "selectionProvider": null,
  "indexSearch": false,
  "eagerLoading": false,
  "formula": null,
  "cached": true

Field description

Code Name Acceptable values Description
"orderNumber" Serial number Non-negative integer Sets the position of the attribute regarding the other attributes of the same class.
"name" System name String only the latin characters with no spaces The name of the attribute that the system will work with, which means it cannot be empty, it can contain only Latin characters, without spaces (set once when crating the attribute). You cannot change the name later.
"caption" Logic name String Display attribute name in user interface.
"type" Type Integer - identifier (code) of the type Attribute data type. См. Attribute types
"size" Size Positive integer The maximum size of the attribute data, the valid values depend on the type of attribute.
"decimals" Number of decimal places Non-negative integer The number of decimal places is specified only for the “Decimal [8]” type.
"allowedFileTypes" Valid file extension Array of strings Allows to specify the valid file extensions that a user can upload to the “File collection [110]” attribute.
"maxFileCount" Maximum number of files Number from 1 to 5 Specifies the maximum number of files that a user can upload to the “File collection [110]” attribute.
"nullable" Valid null value Logical Allows or denies an empty attribute value.
"readonly" Read only Logical Allows or denies changing attribute value.
"indexed" Indexing for search Logical Indicates whether to index the value of this attribute to speed up the search.
"unique" Unique values Logical Only unique attribute values (Attention:you cannot create two class objects with the same values in the attribute of the unique type).
"autoassigned" Auto assignment Logical Allows or denies autocompletion of the fields.
"hint" Help text String Specifies the message that will appear in the user interface next to the attribute name.
"defaultValue" Default value Depends on attribute type Specifies the value that will be filled in the create form of the attribute (when an object is created)
"refClass" Reference attribute String, only the latin characters with no spaces Contains the value of the " name " field (System name) of the class to be used in the “Link [13]” type attribute.
"itemsClass" Collection attribute String only the latin characters with no spaces Contains the value of the " name " field (System name) of the class, whose objects can bind to an attribute of the “Collection [14]” type
"backRef" Back reference attribute String only the latin characters with no spaces Specifies the attribute of the “Link[13]” type from the class specified in the Collection Class property, which refers to the original class. It is necessary to filter and bind objects from the Class class of the collection by the value of the reference attribute.
"backColl" Back collection attribute String only the latin characters with no spaces Specifies the attribute of the “Collection [14]” type from the class specified in the Collection Class property, which refers to the original class. It is necessary to filter and bind objects from the Class class of the collection by the value of the reference attribute.
"binding" Collection base String only the latin characters with no spaces Specifies the attribute of the class to which the back link attribute is bound. If not specified, the key attribute is accepted.
"semantic" Semantic String Specified for the reference attributes in order to display and generate correct information for describing the attribute in the original class object from the reference class.
"selConditions" Conditions for selecting acceptable values Null or array of objects Allows to limit the selection of the reference objects, valid for binding in this reference attribute.
"selSorting" Sorting a selection of valid values Null or array of objects Allows to sort the selection of reference objects, valid for binding in this reference attribute.
"selectionProvider" Selection list of valid values Null or object Specifies a list of selectable values for an attribute.
"indexSearch" Full text search Logical Indicates whether the attribute is used in full-text search. Specifies that the value of this attribute should be indexed by the search engine. См. Indexing
"eagerLoading" Eager loading Logical Load an object by reference (for the link and collection attribute types).
"formula" Calculated field Null or object Indicates a calculation formula.
"cached" Caching value of computable attribute Logical Applies only to attribute values obtained by formula. Indicates the ability to cache the value of a computable attribute.